Jual IP PBX Newrock OM20-50
Jual IP PBX Newrock OM20-50
Jual IP PBX Newrock Om 20 – 50 – Rislatel adalah Jual PABX untuk wilayah dan sekitarnya dan bisa di hubungi melalui Telp/SMS/WA di 0812-1923-7435 & 0817-690-5471, Jual IP Pbx Murah, Pasang IP Pbx Murah, Pasang Voip Gateway, Setting Sip Trunk, Setting IVR
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Always Connected with Your Customers
With features such as remote extension, call forking to your mobile phone, and call-back, OM assures you that wherever you are–whether in your office, traveling abroad, or working at home–you will never miss any important business calls.
Never Miss a Call
The auto-attendant provides 24×7 service to customers, and efficiently directs incoming calls to the extensions or cell phones of the correct person through configurable voice menus for business/non-business hours and holidays. The smart auto-attendant can even deliver the calls from VIP or repeat customers to the appropriate agents directly, bypassing voice menus (caller-agent binding).
Reduction of Telecommunications Cost
OM has all the IP remote-calling functions needed to support the remote worker, business travel, and communication with branches through the Internet. With IP, international or long-distance calls are turned into local toll-free calls. With advanced routing capabilities, OM can route calls intelligently according to call types. Combined with New Rock’s WeWei® softphone app and NeeHau™ Softconsole, you can achieve more effective and comfortable communications between you and your customers.
– Built-in analog-gateway modules and storage for recording, FoIP, and voicemail
– Headquarters and branch-office communications through SIP-based tie trunks
– Mobile extensions keep you connected anytime…anywhere
– The Windows-based SoftConsole provides click-to-dial, call history, and call recording
– Plug-and-play for IP phones
– XML/HTTP-based RESTful API for third-party applications
– Remote access via New Rock Cloud
– Management with New Rock or third-party Element Management Systems (TR-069, SNMP)
– Add-on middle-ware for hospitality applications
– Peer-to-peer communication between OM IP-PBX and SIP terminals across NAT without the need for static IP addresses, DDNS or port mapping on the access router
– Class I lightning protection
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